Monday, September 30, 2019

Human Behaviour Psychology

According to Sigmund Freud, (1856-1939), human beings are just mechanical creatures, whom he views as prisoners of primitive instincts and powers, which we can barely control. He states that our purpose is to control these instincts and powers. Freud explained these concepts by comparing the human spirit to an iceberg. The visible part of the iceberg (spirit) is the conscious part, which consists of everything we know and remember and the thinking processes through which we function.The unconscious part is made up of everything we have ever learned or experienced, including that which has been â€Å"forgotten†. A part of these forgotten things are really gone, but the largest part of the unconscious has just been shut out, because it would be annoying to be consciously reminded of it.The influences of Helmholtz are also visible at other points. According to Freud, the material in the unconscious contains psychic energy. This psychic energy is constantly trying to get into the conscious part, while the conscious part keeps using energy to suppress undesirable discoveries. An expression of unknown powers is, for example, slips of the tongue. These expressions show that our unconscious was not strong enough to keep these powers outside the conscious part. Philosophers in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (like Descartes and Hobbes)  shared a mechanistic view.They thought that some of our actions are the result of internal or external forces, which are not under voluntary control. Hobbes, for example, claimed that underlying reasons for behavior are the avoidance of pain and the quest for pleasure. The extreme of the mechanistic view is the theory of instincts. An instinct is an innate biological force, which commands the organism to behave in a particular way.The main advocate of the instinct theory was the psychologist McDougall. He hypothesized that all thinking and behavior is the result of instincts, which are fixed from birth, but which can be a djusted by learning and experience. By changes and combinations of instincts he tried to explain the whole repertoire of human behavior. Human behavior psychology is one of the  theories of learning based upon the central idea that all human behaviors are attained through conditioning. This is also known as behaviorism. Conditioning happens through the interaction of human beings with the environment. According to human behavior psychology, human behavior can be studied in a systematic, methodical, recognizable and observable manner with no deliberation of internal mental states. Strengths of human behavior psychology/Behaviorism†¢Human behavior psychology is based upon observable and noticeable behaviors, thus easier to quantify, collect empirical data and information while conducting research.†¢Behavioral intervention, token economies, and discrete trial training are some of the effective remedial techniques which are all rooted intensively in human behavior psychology , also commonly known as behaviorism. These techniques are very helpful in changing maladaptive, detrimental or harmful behaviors in both children and adults. Criticisms of human behavior psychology/behaviorism†¢Many detractors point out that human behavior psychology or behaviorism is an exclusively one-dimensional approach to human behavior and thus such human behavioral theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts, feelings, etc. †¢Behaviorism or human behavior psychology does not account for further types of learning, in particular learning that occurs lacking the use of reinforcements.Also individuals are able to adapt their human behavior when new information is brought in, even if a previous behavior pattern has been established over a period of time through reinforcement. Human behavior refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, ra pport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics.The behavior of people (and other organisms or even mechanisms) falls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits. In sociology, behavior in general is characterised as having no meaning, being not directed at other people, and thus is the most basic human action. Behavior in this general sense should not be mistaken with social behavior, which is a more advanced action, as social behavior is behavior specifically  directed at other people.The acceptability of behavior depends heavily upon social norms and is regulated by various means of social control. Human behavior is studied by the specialised academic disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and anthropology. Human behaviour is experienced throughout an individual’s entire lifetime. It includes the way they act based on different factors such as genetics, social n orms, core faith, and attitude. Behaviour is impacted by certain traits each individual has. The traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or behaviour from each person.Social norms also impact behaviour. Due to the inherently conformist nature of human society in general, humans are pressurised into following certain rules and display certain behaviours in society, which conditions the way people behave. Different behaviours are deemed to be either acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures. Core faith can be perceived through the religion and philosophy of that individual. It shapes the way a person thinks and this in turn results in different human behaviours.Attitude can be defined as â€Å"the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.† One's attitude is essentially a reflexion of the behaviour he or she will portray in specific situations. Thus, human behavior is greatly influenced by the attitudes we use on a daily basis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Godfather Goodfellas Essay

The Godfather and Goodfellas are both considered â€Å"mafia movies. † Both of these films portray some form of organized crime committed by Italians. They mutually romanticize the mob lifestyle and depict it with pure clarity. Although both of these movies portray the lives of the same kind of people, they are more than just a simple characterization. Violence plays a major role in each of these films. The Godfather and Goodfellas are obviously very similar. However, they also have several aspects that differ from one another. In both The Godfather and Goodfellas, violence penetrates the daily lives of both Henry Hill and Michael Corleone.Although violence is a key factor of each of the movies, Goodfellas is more brutal in comparison to The Godfather. In the film Goodfellas, Henry Hill was exposed to the gangster lifestyle since he was very young. In the film Henry says, â€Å"As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a gangster. † His out-of-control partner, Tommy is one of the most violent characters in the film. Blood shed is frequently joked about in this movie. In one of the scenes, Tommy was telling a story in a restaurant. After the story Henry laughs and tells Tommy that he is funny.Upon hearing this, Tommy gets defensive and loses his temper. For a moment Henry is nervous because he knows Tommy’s violent personality. However, he realizes that hw is joking and they all laugh about it. Tommy proceeds to wave his gun around and joke about killing Henry. This scene proves that murder is taken lightly in this movie. Another violent act is when Tommy brutally beats a mobster named Billy Batts to death. He kills Billy for insulting him about his younger years as a shoe shine boy. In this scene even Henry looks appalled. Tommy shows no remorse as they hide the evidence of Batts’ body.He continues to surprise the characters with his short temperedness and violence. Another shocking vicious act is when he kills Spider because he was disrespecting him. This scene leaves both the viewers the characters in the film appalled. There are many scenes in Goodfellas with a great deal of blood shed. Many of these murders happen spontaneously and are not organized. Some of these scenes are shocking, primeval, and appalling. These moments leave the viewers stunned and disoriented. Unlike Goodfellas, the violence in The Godfather occurs mysteriously and almost magically.The organized crimes and murders simply occur without any mistake in this film. One of the bloody scenes that portray this is the one where Woltz’ bed is covered in blood. This scene was very slick the way Tom Hagen slipped away without being noticed by anyone. Hagen’s visit was to intimidate Woltz by proving that if he had to kill him, he would be able to. Another very violent act was Sonny’s death. This plan was organized carefully by Don Emilio Varzini with the help of Carlo Rizzi, his brother-in-law. Earlier in the film Sonny had beaten Carlo after he heard Carlo was abusing his sister Connie.To get back at him, Carlo viciously beats Connie using his belt. When Sonny hears of this he speeds to Connie’s apartment. As he approaches, Barzini’s men surround Sonny and viciously shoot him to death. This act was also thought out very cautiously by masterminds. Towards the end of the movie, the planned killing of the five other mob leaders is revealed. Michael orders all of the head of the families to be killed so he can be the top Don. Although this scene is violent, it is masked by the ceremony of Michael becoming Connie’s son’s godfather.The mass murder was perfectly planned to take place at the right time and place. Every slaughter and violent act in The Godfather is carefully intentional and prearranged by their specific mastermind. Unlike The Godfather which portrays Mafia dons, Goodfellas shows the lives of the criminals who exist on a lower level. Both Henry Hill and Michael Corl eone face murders and beatings every day. Goodfellas is more upfront and brutal towards violence in comparison to The Godfather. The violent acts in Goodfellas are appalling and unpredictable.It perfectly portrays the ferociousness of the characters, specifically Tommy. Unlike Goodfellas’ obviously violent and vicious blood scenes, The Godfather is more sneaky and slick. The violence in this movie, while prevalent, is well masked and planned. Each murder was clearly thought out and intentional. Violence is one of the key components in a mobster’s life. The characters in both The Godfather and Goodfellas face murder in their mob lifestyles frequently. Although violence is dominant in both of these films, each film has a different way of portraying these bloody scenes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Econ 212G final essay Lee Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Econ 212G final Lee - Essay Example (SOURCE 1) This hypothesis by Charles Tiebout is not without many criticisms that were voiced against it and emanating from diverse sources of the field of economics. Probably, the most important of those (criticisms) is the fact that, the hypothesis is in total discord with the principle of equity. This principle emphatically states that equal opportunities of growth and prosperity need to be provided to all the people. And Tiebout Hypothesis is diametrically opposite to that, as it supports the presence of goods & services, and taxes, conforming to the monetary interests of a particular section of a province’s populace. The second criticism that has been leveled against the hypothesis is that, it has come to the assumption that people can conveniently keep moving between various zones, until they identify a province supporting their interests. The real life scenario is the testimony to the fact that, constant mobility for a substantial chunk of the population is not as easy as stated by Charles Tiebout. For most of the people, the financial implications of frequent travelling are beyond their means, not to mention the huge efforts and time involved in it. In a scenario pertinent to this model, as the number of people being benefitted by the goods and services registers a rapid increase, the rate of enhancement of related costs also displays a rapid rise. The obvious outcome of this being, a significant chunk of the province’s populace would be bogged down by the alarming high costs, and they would then resume their search for greener pastures (low cost zones). (SOURCE 1) Last but in no way the least, is the fact that the Tiebout Model fails to address the above-mentioned aspect of efficiency, from another angle. As the costs of goods and services display a rapid rise, it has been observed that many people would be compelled

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evolution of Modern Corporate Marketing Departments Essay

Evolution of Modern Corporate Marketing Departments - Essay Example In other words, we can say that last year at least, these top companies did a good job of marketing. â€Å"Marketing is so basic that it is not just enough to have a strong sales department and entrust marketing to it. Marketing is not only much broader than selling; it is not a specialized activity at all. It encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view. Concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore permeate all areas of the enterprise† (p. 36). Drucker predated Levitt (1960) in defining how the marketing function involves understanding and anticipating future customer needs while satisfying today’s customers who determine what a business is, what they consider â€Å"value† for which they are willing to pay the right price, and what the business should produce. In the over half a century since, marketing has evolved to be a highly, if not the most, important component of running a business successfully. Every profitable and sustainable business, from small enterprises to charities, has a marketing component tasked with finding out what sells (Gummesson, 2002). The American Marketing Association (AMA, 2004) defines marketing as â€Å"an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.† That most of the companies in the Fortune 500 list (though some like GM decreased their revenues and suffered a $10 billion loss) were able to sell products and services profitably showed that the organizational function of marketing delivered on its promise, helped the business fulfill its purpose, and satisfied its stakeholders. Higher record sales and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Impact Of Global Warming On Developing Countries Essay

The Impact Of Global Warming On Developing Countries - Essay Example Global warming has been directly linked to increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The Earth is warmed by the radiant heat from the rays of the sun, which is generally equal to the amount of energy that is radiated back from the Earth in the form of infra red radiation. Thus the temperature of the Earth remains constant. However, the temperature of the Earth is directly dependent upon the composition of its atmosphere and when there is an excess of carbon dioxide and similar gases in the atmosphere, it blocks the infra red radiation from the surface of the Earth, trapping heat in the lower atmosphere and creating a "greenhouse effect" which increases global temperatures Rapid industrialization has resulted in increased energy use, with the resultant multiplication of carbon dioxide emissions. According to Roberts (2004), energy demand in countries like India, China and Brazil is developing so fast that it may double by 2020, while in the developed countries, the demand for power is fast outstripping supply, raising the specter of blackouts. In fact Roberts (2004) also points out that â€Å"China has seen dramatic increases in its energy consumption in recent years (pp. 143–145). In the words of one scientist; â€Å"China's rapid industrialization has led to upward revision of predictions... While previously we thought in terms of doubling the strength of the CO2 content of the pre industrial atmosphere, current thought is moving toward a tripling† (Broecker 1586).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Descartes Discourse on the Thinking and Existence Essay

Descartes Discourse on the Thinking and Existence - Essay Example Descartes goes ahead to explore the origin of the human thinking ability in order to justify the perfection of knowing than doubting. He explains that by doubting we get to come up with explanations that lead to knowing. This leads him to the conclusion that the ideas of the imaginable things exist within him, but they do not originate from him, rather they are imposed on him by a more perfect being than him (God). The incorporation of Descartes existence with God is quite convincing. He argues that since he knew more than what actually existed in his conscience, then it meant the extra knowledge was derived from an external source. If the external source did not exist, it should mean that he could not have been the way he was; mortal, changing, finite and impotent. God according to him added unto him the perfection that he needed to erase doubt from his mind. So one’s nature will allow him/her to know as much of God’s nature as he/she could. Descartes in his quest to discover more about himself ends up proving that God exists. I agree with him because he clearly outlines man’s imperfections, thus looks up to God for guidance in almost everything. However, a person’s thinking limits them within a very short scope of imagination that they end up not questioning what they think is true. We are so much rooted in our cultures and superstitions until we are rendered intellectually impaired.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Boundary Spanning Role of Human Resources Management Essay

Boundary Spanning Role of Human Resources Management - Essay Example Despite what we have termed "phantom threats," boundary spanners are able to maintain their influence through astute management of information that portrays their continued usefulness. This phase however cannot last forever, and boundary spanners need to discover new threats. A review of the development and evolution of HRM in the U.S. supports the proposed model. Because each of the three stages are reflected in the communication patterns of the boundary spanner, several propositions based on the notion of information richness and the nature of the language used in communicating with three critical groups (i.e., external contacts, management, and subordinate staff) are generated to test the model. (Cenzo, 2003) Finally, suggestions for research are made. The political perspective of human resource management (HRM) at the organizational level has been suggested, but while empirical studies have shown this political view of organizations to be a viable alternative (e.g., the influence of interest groups in HRM practices), there is still an inadequate understanding of how HRM departments are able to gain and maintain power and influence. Boundary spanning, with its function of information management, has been shown as a determinant of influence in organizations, and we suggest that this is a possible answer. While many specific boundary spanning roles have been examined, such as sales representatives, purchasing agents, boards of directors, and legal departments, the HRM function has not been systematically analyzed from this perspective. In addition, our current conceptualization is incomplete and must be supplemented by what happens after the creation of boundary spanning roles. We present a conceptual framework for the boundary spanning role that considers its evolution from the initial functional rationale for the creation of such roles, to the institutionalization of its function, to its renewed search for functional justification in order to protect and increase its power base. Boundary spanning has been extensively studied, specifically with respect to the boundary spanner's dual functions of processing environmental information for the organization and representing the firm to the external environment. The boundary spanner's role as information processor helps to protect the organization from information overload, as the boundary spanner filters, interprets, and channels relevant information to appropriate divisions of the firm. The boundary spanner's role as external representative can involve establishing and maintaining the organization's social and political legitimacy, and its public image. Indeed, we argue later in this paper and elsewhere that the increased power, influence, and reputation of the HRM function are at least partially a function of legitimizing and image-enhancing activities. Organizations create boundary spanning roles in response to environmental contingencies which are considered to be important for the firm's well-being. Mick (2005) noted that boundary spanning roles also are selected by the external environment for their contribution to the exchange of information across

Monday, September 23, 2019

Homeland Security Mod #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Homeland Security Mod #3 - Essay Example Homeland security department has presented comprehensive safety measures that are central in safeguard America from terrorist. The department has set seven procedural ways such as investigating the raise of any problem, setting the goals that are vital in meeting better security objective, the department also has strived in designing security guiding policies (Stojkovic etl and, 2007). The policies set are essential in action planning toward the county security, implementing and monitoring follows the action plan. After implementation and monitoring are fulfilled evaluating the outcome is analyzed for better future decision-making. Finally, reevaluating and reviewing of the whole procedure is done to enhance assessing effectiveness and efficiency of the new programs and policies. The new programs and policies have to a large extent enabled homeland security to thwart terrorist occurrences within the US. In 2010, National security approach homeland security made a coordination among the federal, states and local government with the aim of preventing, protecting US against ant threat (Stojkovic etl and, 2007). Finally, homeland security in 2011 domestic approach for counterterrorism has enabled this security agency to develop defensive effort in ensuring a homeland that is safe, secure and strong in overcoming

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Morning Java Descriptive Essay Essay Example for Free

Morning Java Descriptive Essay Essay Java Startled by my alarm, I stretch my arm out from under the covers and search frantically in the dark to put an end to the obnoxious sound. I feel around for my lamp and switch it on, keeping my position until my eyes adjust to the light. Before I ever get out of bed, I’m already overwhelmed thinking of my many tasks for the day. When motivation is scarce, there is only one thought that brings me out of my cozy, warm bed and to my feet. Waiting to be made is a fresh, boosting cup of morning coffee. Confronting the seemingly arctic air, I slide my feet into fuzzy, pink slippers and head for the kitchen. I make a quick stop at the thermostat, crank up the heat, then b-line it to the stainless steel coffee pot that used to belong to my Grandmother. Sitting next to the pot is a bright red Folgers can. Holding it up close to my face, I crack open the lid and am instantly delighted with the robust scent of ground coffee beans. Possibly being the only â€Å"me time† of the entire day, the quietness of the early morning combined with the delicious aroma of coffee brewing is greatly treasured. Reaching into the cabinet containing the coffee mugs, I instinctively push through them until my favorite one is spotted. Dulled out yellow with a small chip on the handle, it displays markings from years of the dishwasher’s wear and tear. I pour the steamy drink into the old cup and sip cautiously. No sugar or cream diluting the flavor, I savor the dark coffee and smile with approval. Trusty mug in hand, I sit down to catch a quick glimpse of the morning news. Its warmth cushions the chill I get from the blizzard forecast flashing across the screen. Cold, weary, and fatigued, I sip as fast as I can, urging the rich, caffeinated liquid to hit me as soon as possible. I hear my two year old, sick with the flu, stirring around in his crib. I know it won’t be long from now until he is protesting and ultimately waking my other children. With medicine to be given, breakfast to be made, and children to be dressed, it’s a mystery how I will make it out of the house with my shoes on. But I continue sipping my powerful beverage and before I know it my tiredness fades. Buzzing around the house, I take on the morning tasks with a renewed sense of warmth and liveliness. Knowing without a doubt, this java comes from my ritualistic morning coffee session.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Multi-faceted character Essay Example for Free

Multi-faceted character Essay In Shakespeares The Tempest, Prospero has been represented variously as a good, caring man or as a manipulating, devious puppeteer. Compare and contrast how he has been represented and make your conclusion as to what kind of character Prospero actually is. A-Prospero, the protagonist of Shakespeares Tempest, has been variously presented as a kind, wise man as well as an uncaring, power hungry tyrant. A very real and multifaceted character with plenty of grey shades, Prospero has been seen as some as a manifestation of the play writer himself. I believe that, although Prospero has his faults, all his seemingly callous actions are directed towards a happy ending for every one. The best side of his personality is reserved for his daughter, Miranda. Though he is, at times, domineering towards her (Hence! Hang not on my garments! ) he loves her deeply. He tells her that he done nothing but in care of her, and all his actions are for her benefit ad to secure her future. He calls her a cherubin and uses various terms of endearment for her wench which bring out his love for her. However, Prospero also meddles a lot with his daughters emotions. She is led to fall in love with Ferdinand, and Prosperos comments, It goes on, I see shows that the relationship is all part of his master plan. He spies on her clandestine meeting with Ferdinand, and he is, often, a puppet master and she is his puppet, docile and obedient. This underlines the control he has over her, and his lust for power, but he is redeemed by the fact that he is doing it all for her good, after all, the end justifies the means. His test for Ferdinand is because Elizabethan romantic convention holds that a mans love must be proved to be true through feats of tests. Towards his estranged brother, Antonio, and his companions, Prospero is less kind. He subjects them to mental torture by conjuring a violent tempest, leading them to believe they are ship wrecked. He is portrayed as a master puppeteer manipulating his puppets as he watches the company blunder about the island. But however sinister his attitude was, the fact remained that Prospero instructed Ariel to keep them unharmed. His frequent praise of Gonzalo, honest old lord shows the audience that he does not really intend any malice. He did not want to use physical violence, even though it could be justified by the cruel actions of Antonio. Even though Antonio is a thoroughly bad character, Prosperos lack of violence redeems him to the audience. At the end of the play, Prospero forgives all his misdeed that had taken place and it is this forgiveness that labels him as a kind wise man. The only time Prospero shows a truly ugly side to his character is when he deals with Caliban. He hurls epithets such as tortoise and earth to him and inflicts him with cramps and side stitches. Caliban terror on seeing Stephano shows the fear instilled in him by Prosperos spirits. Prosperos actions towards Caliban are also, however, justified. Calibans attempted rape of Miranda and his repulsive desire to people the island with Calibans rightly earns a harsh punishment from Prospero. The only unjustified act of Prospero is that he seems to put too much stock by Calibans birth and appearance. He calls him a freckled whelp, hag born. But even here, the prevailing Elizabethan belief was that anyone so misshapen was evil and deserved to be treated as such. Towards his other servant, the airy and light Ariel, Prospero is much kinder. He frequently calls her a brave spirit and my tricksy Ariel, using possessive pronouns to signal acceptance and pride. The only time he is angry with Ariel is when the spirit demand its freedom, just when Prosperos master plan is about to unfold. He is understandably angry: she is the key to a plan he has waited twelve years to operate and it is an opportunity not be given again. Prospero is a man who is multi-faceted and perhaps that is why he is so human. Though he has shades of grey, he is essentially a good man, who has been usurped of his dukedom. Shakespeare realised that Prospero was dealing with great evil, and could not afford to be too good and therefore nai ve. He had to be written as a firm, stern man who knew what he wanted and how to achieve it. Prospero may have manipulated his daughter, but only to restore her future and her status. He is callous to Ariel, but promises to set it free. He leads the company all over the island, but reunites them in the end. Alls well that ends well and Prospero delivers, restoring his dukedom, marrying the lovers and ensuring happy endings.